Meccanica Ferrari
- High precision mechanics
- Precision Grinding
- External Cylindrical Grinding
External Cylindrical Grinding
- Internal Cylindrical Grinding
Internal Cylindrical Grinding
- Combined external and internal grinding
Combined external and internal grinding
- Centerless grinding process
Centerless grinding process
- Surface grinding process
Surface grinding process
- Profiles grinding
Profiles grinding
- Camshafts and polygons grindig
Camshafts and polygons grindig
- External Cylindrical Grinding
- Hard-Turning
- Internal honing and lapping
- Production systems
Production systemsWe hone for you
- Ergal alloy actuators honing
Ergal alloy actuators honing
- Deep holes honing
Deep holes honing
- Blind holes honing
Blind holes honing
- Small diameters honing
Small diameters honing
- Valves bore honing
Valves bore honing
- Honing for Hydraulic Components
Honing for Hydraulic Components
- Production systems
- Flat honing
- Precision surface solution
Precision surface solution
- Single wheel processing
Single wheel processing
- Double-sided processing
Double-sided processing
- Control by interferometric flats
Control by interferometric flats
- Precision surface solution
- Superfinishing
- Superfinishing tecnology
Superfinishing tecnology
- Cylindrical lapping with high surface finish
Cylindrical lapping with high surface finish
- Internal lapping with high suface finish
Internal lapping with high suface finish
- Surface lapping with extra low roughness
Surface lapping with extra low roughness
- Superfinishing tecnology
- Treatments
- Production systems
Production systems
- Heat treatments
Heat treatments
- Physical-chemical treatments
Physical-chemical treatments
- Surface treatments
Surface treatments
- Production systems
Technology to Transfom Materials > Flat honing > Double-sided processing
Questo processo, chiamato anche "lappatura pianparallela", si realizza con macchine a doppio piatto.
Consiste nell'asportare una definita quantità di materiale, da due superfici parallele di componenti.
In questo modo si possono ottenere precisioni geometriche assolute (errori inferiori a 0.0010) ed inoltre ottima finitura superficiale.